Communication & Dissemination Material

  1. Why ORPHAcoding RD diagnosis vs other generic terminologies WHY ORPHAcoding vs Other Terminologies_VF.pdf. This document is also available in Spanish Spanish_WHY ORPHAcoding vs Other Terminologies_VF.pdf
  2. Making IT easy Flyer. This document is also available in Spanish ORPHAcodes-IT_Flyer_ES.pdf
  3. What is the Network of Orphanet Nomenclature National Hubs What is the ORPHANET Network of National hubs Flyer_final-3.pdf
  4. OD4RD: 2023 Achievements leaflet OD4RD-achievements booklet.pdf. Dissemination You can check our planned deliverables here:
  5. Tackling the invisibility of RD in European Member States: the OD4RD project contribution, ECRD 2024 Poster ECRD2024_Poster_OD4RD_VFF.pdf
  6. Tackling the invisibility of RD in European Member States: the OD4RD project contribution: abstract submitted to Special Supplement of The Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (OJRD) featuring abstracts from speakers and top scoring poster presenters at the ECRD 2024 hybrid conference
  7. ORPHAcodes Implementation Use cases: Germany, France, the Netherlands & Norway OD4RD2_Use-Cases_OC-Implementation-DE-FR-NL-NO_2024.pdf
  8. ORPHAcodes bibliography: