Our helpdesk is dedicated to answering questions related to the Orphanet nomenclature content and the implementation of ORPHAcodes in Health Information Systems or other Systems.

For this purpose, a Github has been set up: it is an online ticketing system that allows requests to be stored, tracked and made available to others.

This system facilitates an agile and interactive workflow.

To post issues, please first create an account in github : https://github.com/OD4RD/Main-Help-Desk

To provide a sustainable and homogeneous, standardised support, a ‘Questions and Answers’ section within the GitHub has been developed by the coordinating team based on users’ questions. It provides standardised and generalised answers among 7 main topics: alignments with other terminologies, coding recommendations, education and communication, epidemiology of RD, ORPHAcodes and nomenclature, Orphanet classification and Orphanet tools.

For standardized reference Orphanet answers please check the FAQ page https://github.com/OD4RD/Main-Help-Desk/wiki It is open access to any end users.