
In this page we present first the Deliverables linked to the OD4RD2 project and at the bottom those linked to the previous project OD4RD

Del Name Description
D1.1 KOM Executive Report Report Available here D1.1_OD4RD2_KOM_Executive-Summary_VF.pdf
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D1.2 Dissemination Plan Plan available here D1.2_OD4RD2_Dissemination Plan_VF.pdf
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D1.3 Mid-term Evaluation report Report available here:D1.3_OD4RD2_Mid-Term-Evaluation-Report.pdf as well as ERN Survey report available here OD4RD2_ERN-Survey_11QC analysis_VF.pdf _
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D1.4 Mid-term Workshop Report Report available here:D1.4_OD4RD2_iWS_report_VF.pdf_
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D1.5 Final Evaluation report Report available here
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D1.6 Final Meeting Report _
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D2.1 Publication of an update of the standardised methodology for the revision of the nomenclature in collaboration with networks of expertise.
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D2.2 Mid-term report on Orphanet-ERN collaborations Report available hereD2.2_OD4RD2_MidTermReportERNcollaborations-WoAnx.pdf_
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D2.3 Global report on Orphanet-ERN collaborations
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D3.1 Mid-term Report on Genetic Annotations (new and updated gene-disease relationships),ORPHAcodes alignments with other terminologies, and newly produced or updated texts (definitions and abstracts) Report available here D3.1_OD4RD2_MidTermReportAnnotations.pdf
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D3.2 Global Report on Genetic Annotations (new and updated gene-disease relationships),ORPHAcodes alignments with other terminologies, and newly produced or updated texts (definitions and abstracts)
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D4.1 State of play survey D4.1_OD4RD2_state-of-play-survey_final.pdf _
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D4.2 Annual Action plans -Year 1 Report Available here D4.2_OD4RD2_National_Action_Plans_Year_1.pdf _
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D4.3 Mid-term Report on lessons learned Report available here D4.3_OD4RD2_Mid-term-report-on-lessons-learned_VF.pdf _
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D4.4 Annual Action plans- Y3 _
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D4.5 Final Report on lessons learned _
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D5.1 Mid-term Report on disease coverage by ERNs _
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D5.2 Final Report on disease coverage by ERNs _
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OD4RD Del Name Description
1.1 KOM Executive summary This executive summary will include all items discussed during the meeting/workshop, as well as the agreed work plan. It will be delivered as a pdf in English (30 March 2022)
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1.2 Dissemination plan A Dissemination plan detailing all the material that will be made available to disseminate project results, the planned events for the project dissemination. It will be delivered as a pdf in English. (30 March 2022)
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1.3 Evaluation Report This report contains (1) the analysis of all relevant, task-related indicators as outlined in section (“Specific objectives of the action”), methods and means, as well as (2) the analysis of the KPI and of the planned intended satisfaction surveys. It will be delivered as a pdf in English. (30 March 2022)
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2.1 Publication of a standardised methodology for the revision of the nomenclature in collaboration with networks of expertise. This document formalise the standard methodology established for the collaboration with ERNs and other networks of expertise on the revision of classification groups. It ispublished on the Orphanet website: . (30 June 2022)
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2.2 Global report on Orphanet-ERN collaborations Written summary report of completed and ongoing collaborations with ERNs for the concerned period of reporting. Will provide an overview of the number of projects and the groups of diseases they covered, the ERNs involved (and more precisely the thematic groups within the ERNs when pertinent), the issues raised and lessons learned (especially those that may benefit other ERN projects). Will also include annexes containing the lists of entities revised (by activity). (30 March 2023)
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3.1 Report on Genetic Annotations (new and updated gene-disease relationships), ORPHAcodes alignments with other terminologies, and newly produced or updated texts (definitions and abstracts) This report contains the information about the annotations carried out during the OD4RD project
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4.1 State of play survey A report compiled from the survey on the state of play in each of the Orphanet Nomenclature National HUbs set up in 2022 is available. (30 March 2022)
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4.2 Action plans National action plans, based on the state of play in the country, have been written and are provided as pdf document to the executive comittee (ExCom) BfArM has collected reports from all national hubs and compiled them for the ExCom in a pdf document (30 December 2022)
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4.3 Report on lessons learned In a final meeting and with the compilation from the FAQ-collections a report on lessons learned will be delivered as pdf document. This report shall be used by other countries starting to implement Orphacodes. The list of FAQs can be used to enhance the Orphanet website (30 March 2023)
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5.1 User’s feedbacks and Ticketing platform setup Setup & configuration of Github repositories and Organisation. Ticketing workflow. Dedicated webpages to explain the methodology (30 March 2022)
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5.2 Report on disease coverage by ERNs Report on the analysis of disease coverage by ERN centres, including complementarities (overlpas) ang gaps in terms of disease fields that would need decisions to be covered. Document in English. (30 March 2023) CONFIDENTIAL shared with EU and ERNs
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5.3 Dedicated APIs Dataset avaibility through developped API.Including OpenAPI specification (contract first API design). Specification delivered M4, Finalised APIs M12. API gateway access management from M4 until M12 (30 January 2023)
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Non Contractual Deliveries
1 Final Meeting Report Report available here OD4RD_Final-Meeting_report_VF.pdf