The OD4RD2 Kick Off Meeting was held on the 13-14 April 2023. The first day of the meeting gathered the Orphanet project partners and was dedicated to discuss the objectives of the project and streamline the action to be carried out by the Orphanet National teams involved in the project. The second day of the Meeting gathered the Orphanet project partners as well as External Stakeholders, including representatitives from 19 different ERNS. This second day was dedicated to present and discuss the OD4RD project achievements, the OD4RD2 planned activities and brainstorm together on the way forward for a better identification of RD in national health systems

The Agenda of the Meeting is available here OD4RD2_KOM_Draft-Agenda_13-14Apr23-forPublication.pdf

The slides presented during the second day of the project are available here: Slides_OD4RD2_KOM_14April.zip

A full report of the meeting is available in the deliverable page https://od4rd.eu/03-deliverables